Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Wee Irish Ma

Yesterday was my mother's birthday. This wee Irish lady who made me feel safe, who taught me much about life through a John Lennon song and more about God and prayer with her eyes open rather than closed.

I remember-she doesn't. Alzheimers has stolen her memory, but not her Irish soul that still twinkles through like angel rays.

I remember fresh baked soda bread with warm butter running down my arms. I remember impromptu Irish jigs in the kitchen and her lessons on juggling. I remember love.

Now, I could walk down the hall of the nursing home and she would pass right by me not knowing I am hers-but I know. Thanks Ma.



  1. In the midst of this terrible disease that steals so much, you remember love. And somewhere, deep within her Irish soul, your mother knows that. And someday, when all the tears are wiped away, she'll dance with you, again.

  2. this illness is just so bad - it's good to keep your memories - and regarding your write - they are very much alive!

  3. oh Ruth... oh... this makes my heart twist. it's so well written, and so beautiful in spite of the sadness. that her soul still lives on... still twinkles... like sun rays... your irish ma is lovely, friend.

  4. A lovely tribute - you made me feel the love...

  5. Sad and beautiful. "who taught me . . more about God and prayer with her eyes open rather than closed." What a challenge to live well. Thank you.

  6. oh, that breaks my heart for you the same time i can just feel the love...what beautiful expression through written word...
    god bless you...

  7. My heart stings with yours, not nearly are hard, my grandfather faces the same disease, tough days, loving so full and expecting nothing in return, beautifully written thanks
    stopped by from em's

  8. Alzheimer's has stolen her memory but not her Irish soul...such tender sweetness here,

  9. it's my ma's birthday tomorrow. and she's teaching me the same things, in much the same way.
    bless you, in your sweet love of this woman :)

  10. Ruth... I'm just reading your posts, catching up ,
    getting a glimpse of the you that you share.
    your heart is so so beautiful.

    bless you in this journey with your ma.

    and today's post. cracked me open. I can't imagine getting a call like that.
    I can't imagine one of mine giving birth. Isn't life's mystery something.
