Sunday, April 10, 2011

Whispering Hope

The earth is awakening from its slumber as new life bursts through. Crocus' are blooming in spite of sudden snowstorms-whispering hope, whispering resilience, whispering life.

I love spring, especially around Easter when the earth and the soul begin to stir and shake off the grit of the winter. It's a time of reflection, renewal and hope.

May the spring rain wash away the grit from your doorstep. May you feel the tenacity of new life. May you feel hope, knowing that "He makes all things new."



  1. Beautiful words Ruth, such the season for them too!

  2. lovely song and thank you for the blessing...ah, spring!

  3. This post just made me smile. I'm enjoying your song as I write. No. 318 in my gratitude journal (which I just wrote this morning) says-"Spring is breathtaking this year. You've outdone yourself." I'm so glad you are reveling in it with me, Ruth.

  4. oh ruth, how i've missed you... i was so glad to see you'd linked, and here, this post, it breathes to me the hope i needed for today. you are such a breath of Christ.... bless you sister.
