Thursday, July 29, 2010


For Imperfect Prose Thurdays

She said, "an artist friend of mine is willing to come and do a watercolour workshop. Would you be interested?", in reply I said that "stick people is about how far it goes for me in ability, but I'll think about it." But my heart said, "oh wouldn't that be lovely?"

I've always taken great pleasure in looking at paintings. It's incredible when one strikes your soul and all you can do is stare.

However when it comes to my own artistic skill, I see a picture in my head, but somewhere between head and fingertips the image becomes distorted. What appears on canvas isn't exactly what I had in mind.

With all this distortion in mind I went to this Monet watercolour workshop. I saw new and familiar faces. Saw beautiful roses in an old vase. Saw books of great artists paintings.

My friend in her whimsical way said "oh this will be fun!" I gulped and saw blank canvas.I remembered when I was in grade two, and I drew a picture of my teacher, but when she saw it she thought I was being cheeky and making fun of her-oh dear that truly was distorted!

However, I decided to throw caution to the wind and started painting. Suddenly the canvas was awash with fields of fiery red flowers and tall grass. I smiled inside. I thought of that teacher. I wasn't being cheeky, I was just offering up a piece of myself.

I carried my little painting home. No, it wasn't a masterpiece, but I felt good.

I gave the painting to my husband a few days later on our wedding anniversary. Offered it with a big smile. Offered up a piece of myself and he said: beautiful.



  1. oh Ruth--this is exquisite and raw and true. i love that you braved the blank canvas. doesn't it feel good, to cover blank with colour? love to you, sweet friend. thank you for linking up... (would you be able to include a link back to my original post so people can read the rest of the imperfect posts? maybe even for next time)... have i mentioned that i love your blog?

  2. You must have a spirit of adventure and bravery, and that is truly admirable. I love it that you dared yourself to paint those fiery red flowers and tall grass. I'm sure it was beautiful! And I love that you gave it to your husband. Thank you for sharing THIS piece of yourself as well.

  3. Just a perfect gift for the two of you. Your inner child released and freed to create - oh to paint each day with colors of peace love and joy.

    came by Emilys Thursday

  4. I bet that canvas sang. Keep painting! I had an art teacher who once said, "If you go at your work expecting a masterpiece, you'll get nothing. But if you go at it for the joy of it, taking risks, you might just end up with a masterpiece." I bet you did, and will.

  5. keep painting,
    lovely words match your creative mind perfectly.

    an award for you,
    Happy Weekend,
